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Pastor Dan Williams Sr.


Dan Williams, Sr. is the founding Pastor of The Power of God Christian Outreach Ministries (POGCOM) formerly located in the inner city of Stamford, Connecticut. The ministry was established in 1987, after a "Damascus Road" experience and a divine visitation.  Pastor Dan was commissioned by the Lord to "Preach His Gospel" and "Build His Church".  Unlike many who have accreditations of theology and divinity schools, Pastor Dan boldly proclaims that he was educated in the "Theos" of God by the Holy Spirit Himself; who sat him down, night after night and taught him by revelation the counsel and oracles of God.


Pastor Dan is notorious for a non-traditional, raw, uncut and candid delivery of the Word of God - an unconventional ministry style that has proven to be highly effective and receptive by those who have sat under his teaching.


During his 26 years in ministry, 17 years in full-time ministry, Pastor Dan has experienced great evidence of a teaching anointing in the area of Kingdom Finances, Relationships, the Heart of Man and the Deeper Truths of the Gospel. He is concerned, caring and committed to his assignment from God.


The Ministry of Pastor Dan William has transformed the lives of drug dealers, led "shacked-up" couples into covenant marriage, stopped men from abusing women, stopped women from abusing themselves, led children to Jesus Christ, inspired boys to become men, taught men how to be Godly fathers and husbands, ministered freedom to those bound by alcohol and drugs, restored broken families, taught God's Kingdom Life Financial Programs and the importance of financial stewardship.


His vision for the Body of Christ is a 3-fold vision of total life: Purpose, Focus & Direction which offers the unique opportunity for fulfillment and prosperity in the 7 areas that encompasses the entire life of man - spiritually, mentally, physically, professionally, financially, materially, and socially. His divine goal is to earn the privilege of being a Christian Resource whereby those who are seeking a true experience in worship can have the opportunity to experience the manifestation of fulfillment in the totality of their life.


In 2004, Pastor Dan was transitioned from the ministry of a Pastor to that of an Evangelist with the specific assignment to evangelize small and start-up churches, who, are looking to advance to the next level of ministry. He teaches on Church Development, Leadership. Organization, Outreach Strategies, Church Growth, Financial Prosperity. Money Matters, Marriage and Family, the 7 Spiritual Principles and how to Bless the Man or Woman of God.


Pastor Dan Williams, Sr. was a member of the former Fellowship of Inner-City Word of Faith Ministries (FICWM) in Los Angeles, California which was led by Dr. Frederick K.C. Price before his passing, the International Conference of Faith Ministries (ICFM) in Sacramento, CA led by Dr. Phillip Goudeaux, and was the founding President of the Metropolitan Area Word of Faith Ministries (MAWOFM) in Stamford, Connecticut and New York City.  He is also the President of two Florida based companies: Unlimited Funding International and R&W Enterprises of America (a finance and legal services company) and the author of a highly successful Seminar Kingdom Financial Life Seminar which he conducts on demand at churches across the U.S.


Pastor Dan, who is also referred to “The Prince of Truth” currently leads a popular Zoom Ministry which can be accessed on Wednesdays and Sundays.  


His God given mission in life is to educate people according to the principles of the Word of God so that their faith stands not in the wisdom of men, but in the Power of God. Married for 20 years to Tamika L Williams, they share two sons, Corey and Tyrell.  He also has 4 adult sons from a previous marriage.  Pastor Dan and his current family reside in the State of Florida.


The Man, His Ministry and His Mission


Pastor Dan is notorious in his non-traditional delivery of a raw, uncut and very candid ministry of the Word of God. He believes in telling it like it is in order to bring the Word of God to the point of the people's need.

He is not concerned about building a church, but rather cares and is committed to building a people and leading them into an intimate relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. His divinely imparted vision is unique in nature, as it spans the needs that encompasses the totality of life; his ministry provides the opportunity for one to be fulfilled in every area of life.


The teaching ministry of Pastor Dan Williams, Sr. is vast and abundant. He is the humble recipient of an anointing to minister the deeper truths of the gospel and he teaches on a variety of subject matters that can be easily applied to one's life.


His mission in life is to educate people on the principles of the Word of God so that they stand not in the wisdom of men, but in the Power God.  When you give Pastor Dan Williams, Sr. the privilege to be YOUR Pastor, you can expect to be taught how to be victorious in the following 7 areas that encompass the totality of your life:

Spiritually (How to have a true experience in worship; how to enter into a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ; How to experience the power of the ministry of the Holy Spirit; How to pray according to the Word of God and, how to apply God's word to your everyday life situations):

Mentally (How to renew your mind to the Word of God and experience soundness in your thinking; how to bring your will and emotions under the control of the Word of God and; How to experience healing for past hurts and forgiveness of those who have hurt you).


Physically (Help you understand the purpose of your body and how to use it to glorify the Lord; teaching on the danger of using your body for illicit sexual practices and; the importance of keeping your body pure and fit for the Master's use).


Professionally (How to prosper in every work you lay your hands to; how to advance on your job by following biblical principles and; how to use your job to advance the Kingdom of God).

Financially (How to live a life free of debt; how to successfully manage your finances and; teaching on the purpose of why we give finances to the church and how it eventually benefits you.)

Materially (Teaching on the purpose of acquiring material possessions and, how not to allow your possessions to possess you.


Socially (How to enjoy life in relationship with other people according to the Word of God, without having to entangle yourself again with the ways of the world).



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